Mauve Bird with Yellow Teeth Red Feathers Green Feet and a Rose Belly, Part: PINK

Battery Park, 2017

Katonah Museum of Art, 2017

During the 45-minute performance, the Movers will delicately manipulate enormous pink balloon and handmade sculptures, walk on cement balls, draw on the pavement, jump through bike tires, climb, fall, and interact with the audience. The Moving Company will activate The Battery as a communal, pictorial playground.

Part PINK playfully explores the concept of aggression and vulnerability as they relate to the performativity of gender. This is the third part of the ongoing performance series Mauve Bird with Yellow Teeth Red Feathers Green Feet and a Rose Belly.

Movers: Tina Wang, Ruby Onyinyechi Amanze, Mor Mendel, Maia Karo, Annabel Paran, Haleigh Nickerson, Nathan Albright, Laura Bernstein, Amanda Grossman, Rebecca Pristoop, Sabrina Shapiro, Noa Lembersky

Costume design by abscreenwear
Sounds by Nire
Objects with Aimee Burg
Performed at Battery Park, Fridman Gallery, Katonah Museum of Art, Central Park "It’s Happening: 50 Years of Public Art" by The Park Department