2017 - Ongoing
Sculptures with motion sensors activating lights and sounds (story telling)
jellyfish on the sand, supermarket cart, goldfish in the sea, blue eyed ginger cat, dart frog, Glaucus atlanticus, peacock
Ruby had a deep pool inside her stomach. When she was hungry she’d reach in, feeling the textures of the fish with her fingers until she found one the right size for her hunger and grab it. Sometimes her fingers sensed the shell of an egg, but she knew it was not ripe enough to take out. The fish waited to be caught because they wanted to meet Ruby, who was known to be a bit shy. She’d clean their skin, take out their bones, marinate them in olive oil and spices. She was never a fast eater, and this gave the fish, who was usually part of a group, an opportunity for solitude and to be present during the transformation. When she ate them and they slid back down into the pool, thingsin their world would change: families would break, new loves would spark, sons would stand up to their fathers, sisters would have the courage to confront their feelings to one another. It was painful, but they knew this is a rare-once-in-a-lifetime moment of truth, and that this was bringing them closer to their calling.